About Us
LAMBERT GmbH is a family-run company based in Göppingen. Founded in 1974 as a stand-alone company for market umbrellas, we celebrated our 45th anniversary in 2019 and are not only the leading manufacturer in the market area but also the contact for outdoor areas in the hospitality industry and high-quality sun protection in the private sector. Together with a nationwide dealer network, our employees guarantee the best possible LAMBERT service to make everyday life easier for our customers. Our goal is to get you well through the year. With products that meet your requirements and wishes. The LAMBERT team is looking forward to your inquiry!
Foundation "LAMBERT umbrellas"
The variety of professional experience as a locksmith, designer, salesman and above all as a market driver were the basis of many ideas for their own needs in the market. The innovative new developments by Paul H. Lambert were also very popular among colleagues. In 1974, the sole proprietorship Lambert Schirme came into existence with the aim of producing high-quality products that meet the demands of the tough market and at the same time sustainably support the sale.
At first, they concentrated on the core competence of the company: market umbrellas. Constant further development of practical solutions led to the production of the first sales trailer in 1992. In the first year, 25 trailers left the factory. In the course of the 1990s, numerous ideas for innovative trailer types, pending patent applications and the beginning of cooperation with our system supplier AL-KO followed. The quality and safety of the LAMBERT sales trailers were subsequently measured by numbers: By the end of the decade, production had increased to over 200 trailers a year!
Sun protection
With the inclusion of the Swiss umbrella manufacturer GLATZ in our distribution system, our market has expanded for the private sector as well as for the gastronomy and hotel industry. From small to large, from the narrow balcony to the spacious guest terrace - thanks to continuous development, LAMBERT has become one of the leading manufacturers and dealers in the sun protection sector.
New building
With the steadily growing product range, the exhibition and production area also had to increase. Therefore, in 2002, the new building in Stauferpark and the move from Eislingen to Göppingen. The attractively designed industrial hall houses not only a large spare parts warehouse, the office headquarters and a service workshop for umbrellas and trailers, but also a large exhibition space. Today it is regularly transformed into a location for cultural and musical highlights such as the LAMBERT Open, LAMBERT Auditorium or the LIVE CLUB.
Product range
In 2014, the family business, now run by the second generation, celebrates its 40th anniversary. Through quality, service and reliability, tried-and-tested products have been preserved to date and further developed at the same time. To this end, the product range will be expanded to include windscreens, awning systems, folding tents and radiant heaters in order to assist the customer as a all around partner in planning their outdoor areas.
New location and Relaunch
In the year 2019 a lot of work at the brand LAMBERT which espacially stands for private sun-protection in addition to market and gastronomy needs was done. The main change addition to the relaunch of our website, logo and publicity material is our new location on the Weber area at the Heiningerstraße in göppingen. In early 2020 LAMBERT is going to open a new showroom together with the garden-centre Dehner that suits the growing range of products. Our administration and the workshop will also find their new home there.